Cash prizes based on 12 players contributing $6 each will be awarded for the individuals with the most of the following categories:
Category Prize
Most Buncos $25
Most Wins $20
Most Losses $15
Travel Bag - $12
If two or three people are tied then they will choose to split or roll off for that category
Hostess Responsibilities
Bunco Room Set Up
* 3 - 4 Tables - square tables work best with 4 players per table. One table is designated Head Table & the rest (depending on how many players) are numbered 2, 3, etc.
* Bunko FOOD, everyone brings a dish and BYOB soplates, cups and napkins, forks are great!
* Bunco Box (Jacque has this, however, we may need one of our regulars to get a set if we get any bigger!)
Bunco Box - If you host a bunco party, you are responsible for all items which are stored in the official Bunco Box. The bunco box is passed from hostess to hostess and contains: AGAIN JACQUE WILL SUPPLY. Hostess doesn’t have to worry about this
* Hand bell
* Set of 3 die at each table (total of 12)
* Scorecards for every player to keep track of wins, losses, etc.
* 4 sharpened pencils at each table
* travel bag
* Envelopes for hostess to put money into
* 1 notepad per table for scoring
How to play Bunco
Each player puts $6 into the pot.
A game consists of 6 rounds (1's thru 6's). First round you roll for 1's, second round 2's, etc. The OBJECTIVE is for you & your partner (the person sitting across from you) to roll more of that round's number than the other team before the Head Table rings the bell. (Our group normally plays 4 games)
To begin - someone at the Head Table rings the bell. All tables begin rolling for that rounds number. Play rotates from player to player clockwise after a player does not roll that rounds number on any of the 3 die or a baby bunco (3 of the same die but NOT the round you are playing) or a Bunco (3 of the same die the round you are playing). If you roll that round's number on any one of the 3 die you continue rolling until you don't.
As soon as a team from the head table gets 21 points (WINNERS), they ring the bell ending the round for EVERYONE. The LOSING team from the HEAD TABLE leaves and goes to the bottom table (highest numbered table). The WINNERS stay.
The LOSING teams from tables #2, #3, etc., STAY at their tables & the WINNERS move up a table. The goal is to get to the Head Table & stay as long as possible.
You cannot have the same partner twice in a row. So switch when you switch tables.